2023-01-19 Documentation team meeting notes #24

Attendees: @lucperkins @infinisil @henrik-ch @wrover (later: @fricklerhandwerk)

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Cool to learn a Nix book should be out soon! Thanks for your updates

Ilya didn’t literally say “out” in the sense of “finished”, but the current state made available to the public for collaborative development. We quite clearly agreed that in any case we should join forces and have an official one that we all work on.


just want to quickly note that our (in-tree) commonmarkization efforts have progressed a lot further than just options by now. we’re on the brink of removing the last bit of docbook from the nixos manual (nixos/manual: specify manual structure in markdown by pennae · Pull Request #215973 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub) and only a couple days away from being able to present a renderer that makes use of the previous PR to create a 1:1 copy of the docbook-generated html manual (according to html-tidy).


@pennae would you like to join the team meetings to share what you’ve done and discuss how we could support you or just coordinate the efforts as good as possible? Is there a way to get in touch with you out of band?

we can definitely try to join, but due to Things that probably won’t be very regular occurence. we’re on matrix in #dev if you’re there (haven’t found a dedicated dev channel we could join), but apart from that it’ll be only DMs on discourse (or possibly email).

Thanks! Discourse shows your public is hidden, therefore it always I can’t send you a DM.

we had DMs enabled, so doing it on the long route (messages → new → add people) should’ve worked? :thinking: no idea. made profile public again to avoid more failure points, anyway. hope this fixes the situation.

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