2023-07-17 Documentation team meeting notes #64


  • updates


Do you happen to have this section we copied into the meeting notes and hacked on? I’m now trying to implement the changes we worked on together but can’t find them here :sweat_smile:

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For posterity:

- `doc`: Sources and infrastructure for this manual, see also [](#chap-contributing)
- `lib`: Library functions and documentation sources for [](#part-lib)
- `nixos`: NixOS, see the [Development section in the NixOS manual](https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/#ch-development)
- `pkgs`: Entry points for evaluation, packages, builders
  - `top-level`: Entry points, package set aggregations
    - `impure.nix`, `default.nix`, `config.nix`: Definitions for the evaluation entry point of `import <nixpkgs>`
    - `stage.nix`, `all-packages.nix`, `named-hierarchy-files.nix`, `splice.nix`: Definitions for the top-level attribute set made available through `import <nixpkgs> {…}`
    - `*-packages.nix`, `linux-kernels.nix`, `unixtools.nix`: Aggregations of nested package sets defined in `pkgs/development`
    - `aliases.nix`, `python-aliases.nix`: Aliases for package definitions that have been renamed or removed 
    - `release*.nix`, `make-tarball.nix`, `packages-config.nix`, `metrics.nix`, `nixpkgs-basic-release-checks.nix`: Entry-points and utilities used by Hydra for continuous integration
  - `development`
    - `*-modules`, `*-packages`, `*-pkgs`: Package definitions for nested package sets
    - All other directories loosely categorise top-level package definitions
  - `build-support`: [Builders](#part-builders)
    - `fetch*`: [Fetchers](#chap-pkgs-fetchers)
  - `stdenv`: [Standard environment](#part-stdenv)
  - `pkgs-lib`: Definitions for utilities that need packages but are not needed for packages
  - `test`: Tests not directly associated with any specific packages
  - `by-name`: Named hierarchy of top-level package definitions
  - All other directories loosely categorise top-level packages definitions

Each directory linked here has a `README.md` file with details about its purpose and contents. Similarly, files have comments at the top.