Here’s the update to conclude Summer of Nix 2023. This entails wrapping up last year and preparing the 2024 summer program:
- We published the 2023 program report and answered questions from the Nix community
- I handed in the financial report to the European Commission. In order to do that, I had to rework the accounting system, which now allows producing these financial reports on a whim.
- It should still be easier to model additional projects and less tedious to track payments, but that requires spending more time, which is currently needed to run the program.
- I started a public discussion what to do with the part of the NGI0 budget that is available for the foundation’s internal needs (as opposed to implementing program goals)
- @mightyiam and I have set up a reusable program schedule. It still needs more details, which we’ll fill as we go.
- I reached out to a number of organisations that promote diversity in MINT, asking to forward our job postings. I also participated in a call with the NGI0 Communications working group, originally to find pathways to spread our messaging. But I’ll continue joining the monthly meetings and making small contributions, because otherwise we’d be squandering access to the domain experts, talent pool, and a broader audience, all of which keep building up around NGI projects.
- @mightyiam selected team leads for Summer of Nix 2024, and participant applications are underway
- @mightyiam organised a maintenance team for NGIpkgs that will operate throughout the year
- Participants from last year who still had unused hours left are completing unfinished tasks, chipping away at packaging spicy software projects (in particular LibreSOC and Atomic Data). We exercised the a new feedback call routine to ensure we’re aligned and on track.
- @matthewcroughan is working on getting SCION into Nixpkgs
- We had a planning meeting with Summer of Nix 2024 team leads @JulienMalka @Janik @jleightcap and @mightyiam to set priorities and distribute tasks
- Two individual contributors to do technical (@wegank) and administrative (@wamirez) janitoring in order to reduce friction for the expected wave of new contributors.
- @lorenzleutgeb made a prototype for the project overview, which included some clarifications to code organisation: @samueldr will take care of the visual presentation.
- @Janik helped find a contributor to get the infrastructure straight, and get better CI quality and performance.
The next update will be on Summer of Nix 2024. Thanks to everyone who participated last year!