2024-06-24 Nix team meeting minutes #155

Attendees: @edolstra @fricklerhandwerk @roberth (later: @tomberek, @Ericson2314)


No global eval settings in `libnixexpr` by Ericson2314 · Pull Request #10913 · NixOS/nix · GitHub

  • How to set config?
    • bunch of settings setters / builder pattern is a lot of C boilerplate to maintain
    • Can just parse settings from JSON
    • parameters for stores, but generic json otherwise
    • The JSON should be based on the application data model (classes), not based on the nix.conf structure
    • Structured, with the right JSON types, e.g. list for NIX_PATH
    • coercedTo str (split) (listOf str)?
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