2024-07-15 Nix team meeting minutes #161

Attendees: @edolstra @roberth @L-as


Attendees: @edolstra @roberth @ericson2314 @tomberek @L-as


What is the state of fetchTree stabilisation?

  • Three areas that need improvements
    • Internal architecture is still a risk (no structs that inform what’s going on)
    • Returning path values? (Lazy `fetchTree` `outPath` path values by roberth · Pull Request #10252 · NixOS/nix · GitHub)
      • @ericson2314: This is my number one blocker.
      • @ericson2314 & @roberth, since Roberth is busy for a while, it would be really good if @edolstra could take this PR (itself taking from his lazy trees branch) and finish it off.
    • Individual fetchers. We’d like the stable feature to be useful, not a skeleton of a primop that needs more features enabled to be useful.
      • Git core: work tree should be unsmudged. Possible solutions
        - Preferably: just smudge them. This is what git commit does anyway and what we should reproduce.
        - Shortcut to stabilisation: disallow smudging altogether in worktree (ie using gitattributes support in libgit2)
        - or another shortcut: filter out smudged files by default?
      • Git features:
        - actual LFS support: nice to have
        - subdirectory-only fetching (“subtree”?): also nice to have
      • Tarball: single-file bug and tarballs with multiple files in the root (seems basic but perhaps not essential?)
      • GitHub: behave more like git? Fetch tree-based archives
        • probably didn’t have smudging, but
        • changing this gets rid of the export-subst weirdness that causes hashes to change when going from local dev to inputs
        • makes it so that git-based fetching can be used as a fallback, to solve the rate limiting issue

Hacking session

Attendees: @edolstra @roberth @ericson2314 @tomberek @fzakaria @L-as

Config work questions


It’s great to see a real doc-comments implementation merged into mainline pretty quickly. I made this PR to update the corresponding nixVersions.git: nixVersions.git: pre20240709_142e566a -> pre20240717_464e5925 by Aleksanaa · Pull Request #327940 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub