2025-01-06 - Marketing Team Minutes


@garbas has left the team after founding it in 2020 and leading it to redesign nixos.org and focus marketing efforts on developers as a target audience. Thanks a lot!

@djacu wants to reset the team a bit and collect what’s going on.


@djacu @crertel @avocadoom @fricklerhandwerk @flyfloh


@djacu The website is … what is the status now? What stage of the site enhancement are we at? We migrated the build tools a while ago.

@avocadoom Maybe we could add new features like dark mode.

@avocadoom No other concrete features right now.

@avocadoom There is clear issue of ownership

@avocadoom We have a lot of open issues; would be good to go through them and address them or close them.


@fricklerhandwerk proposes to request a budget from the SC to hire someone to own and manage aspects of the marketing team

  • @avocadoom asked for funding last year but that got rejected
    • @fricklerhandwerk: situation has changed; based on discussions with the @tomberek (going back to October 2023) every team should have a budget,

@crertel How do we select a new lead?

@fricklerhandwerk and @djacu proposing @idabzo to be the new team lead

@fricklerhandwerk let’s contact @idabzo and create a private matrix room to start personnel/budget discussions.

@djacu will contact @idabzo

@djacu returning to @avocadoom’s earlier concern about handling contributions that are out of scope or change too many things at once


  • Make clear goals for what we want to do
  • Have a list of things people can work on if they cannot attend the meeting (use the issue tracker). Make sure the task is well scoped.
  • Also had some issues with infra, such as GitHub not allowing previews by external contributions
    • @frickerlerhandwerk: Seems it would help if we got some help on the infra side there?


  • We need a golden path for new people to contribute successfully.
  • We need a quick and painless path for maintainers to say “no” gracefully, so they can burn down their ever-growing queues.

@djacu will figure out the calendar and move it to Monday at 1800 UTC.