2025-01-13 - Marketing Team Minutes



  • @djacu - Roles and Responsibilities
  • @djacu - Updating the contribution guide


@flyfloh - Can we add a section on the homepage that talks about Nix?
@avocadoom - Can you, @flyfloh, make an issue so we can track this and involve the team/community?
@flyfloh - Yes

@avocadoom - favicons are not being displayed in Safari. Will create an issue for this.

@djacu - Do we want to talk about code quality in the contribution guide.
@avocadoom - Not until we have a solid pipeline in CI for verifying things of this nature.

Contributrion Guide Rework


  • Primary focus for the contribution guide should be to funnel people into a place where they can contribute.
  • We do not want people to feel discouraged from contributing which could happen if they see submitting an issue or talking with us as a blocker.
  • Make it appear easy to talk with us so they can get moving quickly.
  • We want to focus on maintainability and sustainability of the site and don’t want to rush features.
  • We want contributions but also we are a small team of volunteers.
  • “We prioritise project health over individual interests” - Values

Practical Implementation

  • All known work should be tracked in issues so it can be assigned or picked up by anyone.
  • People should be directed to submit an issue, attend a meeting, or message on matrix if they want to add something that is not tracked in an issue.
  • People should clearly seperate PRs into design, content and technical changes and not mix them up
  • Direct people to issues if they have a change they want to propose, it is already well scoped, and they have the means to implement. Otherwise, direct them to Discussions if the idea is not well formed yet and they don’t have the technical means to implement. Idea is to keep the Issues clean.

Roles and Responsibilities


  • People in the roles are not responsible for doing the work, they are responsible for seeing that the work is done.
  • If you take on the responsibility for one of these roles, you should be empowered.

Lead (Ida)

  • They are responsible for:
    • determining the objectives of the team
    • guiding the team to meet those objectives
    • ensuring that other members have the resources they need
    • coordinating with other teams, the SC, and the board

Webmaster (Thilo)

  • They are responsible for:
    • the maintenance of the NixOS homepage
    • determining the build tools
    • determining the overall look
    • setting the contribution guide
    • CI and pipeline tooling

Social Media Liaison (Florian)

  • They manage the organization’s social media presense and external communications.
  • They create social media posts, manage the schedule of upcoming posts, etc
  • Accounts include X, Mastodon, LinkedIn (any more? bluesky? not yet)
  • They manage the blog and newsletter.

Metrics Wizards (Maybe Guillaume or Dan if not G)

  • They manage the yearly (and other) community surveys.
  • They process the results and make a post on Discourse.
  • Collecting and processing metrics


  • @flyfloh is creating an issue and working on a prototype for Nix / NixOS content on the homepage
  • @avocadoom creating and working on the issue for for Safari favicons
  • @avocadoom investing tooling for code quality in CI
  • @djacu work on contribution guide PR
  • @djacu work on the roles and responsibilities PR