January 27, 2025, 8:41pm
Previous Tasks
@flyfloh is creating an issue and working on a prototype for Nix / NixOS content on the homepage
@avocadoom creating and working on the issue for for Safari favicons
@avocadoom investing tooling for code quality in CI (moving to the backlog)
@djacu work on contribution guide PR
@djacu work on the roles and responsibilities PR
@djacu The contribution guide now states that we want people to submit issues before starting work. I recall at some point some said something to the effect of, “if there is a bug, submit a PR to fix it”. Do we want to ament the contribution guide to say that bug fixes do not require an issue or leave it as is and have everything go through issues?
@djacu Add marketing team positions to homepage
@idabzo figuring out the budget for the marketing team
@avocadoom going to work on the dev environment before focusing on the CI.
@idabzo has been talking with Kate from the foundation.
@flyfloh plans to take care of the homepage prototype this week.
@djacu talked with @arsleust about the old surveys and processing code.
@tomberek asked about the experimental installer issue #1614 .
@avocadoom appears that the problem was solved in the issue
@tomberek has been doing the socials for the past month. Who is taking over?
@tomberek we have PlanetNix coming up and we have a booth at SCaLE.
Earlier last year, we tried to create a swag kit to distribute to people going to conventions
@idabzo do we have any left over swag from last year?
@tomberek we had 500 euro from the foundation last year that never got spent.
@tomberek at NixCon Berlin, @infinisil was selling nixos necklaces (vendor contact through @aleksanaa ?)
@djacu do we still have that 500 euro or is it last years money?
@tomberek let’s say we still have it and if not request it again
@idabzo printable nixos flake keychain
@djacu we can ask the community on discourse to submit designs for the banner and stickers
Things to have in the initial swag kit purchase (1 EU and 1 US)
1 hanging banner
~300 stickers
~100 nix language cheat sheets on nice stock
@flyfloh is creating an issue and working on a prototype for Nix / NixOS content on the homepage
@avocadoom work on the dev environment
@idabzo follow up with Kate about the budget
@djacu update the contribution guide with things that okay to PR without issue
@djacu Add marketing team positions to homepage
@djacu write up post on discourse for people to submit designs for the banner and stickers
@avocadoom investing tooling for code quality in CI
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