2025-01-27 - Marketing Team Minutes


Previous Tasks

  • @flyfloh is creating an issue and working on a prototype for Nix / NixOS content on the homepage
  • @avocadoom work on the dev environment
  • @idabzo follow up with Kate about the budget
  • @djacu update the contribution guide with things that okay to PR without issue
  • @djacu Add marketing team positions to homepage
  • @djacu write up post on discourse for people to submit designs for the banner and stickers


  • Prototype
  • Development environment
  • Budget status
  • Banner


  • @avocadoom doom is making progress on the development environment. Opened an issue on the Astro repo. Considering different structures if things don’t resolve soon.
  • @avocadoom will document the vite/astro/nix problem for @djacu and @albertc to look over and discuss.
  • @idabzo had an async conversation with @kate about the budget proposal to the board. Making progress!
  • @djacu got nerd sniped researching branding guides while writing the banner design contest post. Will return to the banner post this week.
  • @djacu asked @tomberek about decision making on the branding guide. Advised to do our best and make a decision and if there is a dispute then the SC will handle it.
  • @idabzo and @isabelroses will meet up separately to discuss ideas for social media.



  • @avocadoom investing tooling for code quality in CI
  • @flyfloh is creating an issue and working on a prototype for Nix / NixOS content on the homepage