@idabzo is suggesting setting up office hours for the marketing team (1 hour per week, with the marketing leader responsible for being in the jitsi room). What do you think?
@avocadoom: But should define clear rules about who is allowed to be on this page.
@tomberek: There should be some prior art about guidelines. Search for old PRs and there should be something.
@avocadoom: There should be some mention of Nix or a page dedicated to their Nix services.
@tomberek: Worried about spam PRs that are trying to improve their SEO.
@avocadoom: Will work on a policy statement for the Commercial Support page.
@djacu: A little slow this past week but currently working on fonts.
Partners page
@djacu: Partners don’t have as nice of a page as commercial support.
@tomberek: We have to do a better job of saying “thank you”.
@avocadoom: Will think about it. Possibly include partners on the landing page.
nixos-homepage Darwin devShell
@albertc: I have a branch that fixes the devshell on darwin. Was hoping to make a PR for it before the meeting but I wanted to check a few more things before doing so and my internet here sucks, so I’ll try to push that up tomorrow or Wednesday. One thing that I seem to see in limited testing so far is that the symlink file watching doesn’t seem to be an issue on darwin, so I wonder if there’s some difference in linux inotify vs os x fsevents and how astro/vite/chokidar is configured on top.
@idabzo will post on socials about the recent SoCal Nix Users Group meetup
@idabzo will post on socials about Planet Nix/SCaLE (how many posts do we need? Just one per event?)
@albertc is going to look at migrating the content collections for Astro 5.