21.05 Call for Release Manager and Release Engineers

done. Welcome aboard :slight_smile:

Iā€™d like to help out as a release engineer with Perl things. Feel free to add me.

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I donā€™t really have a single field Iā€™m specialized on, though I helped out a bit especially during the last two releases. So feel free to add me as well. Please note that I wonā€™t be able to do anything meaningful until the beginning of April.

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@jonringer @worldofpeace Just out of interest (I probably missed this while skimming through the thread): whatā€™s the plan for RM rotations in the future (and the position of the ā€œsecond RMā€)? :slight_smile:

Letā€™s see if I can predict two for twoā€¦ Iā€™m calling it now: @Ma27 for release manager 21.11! I love it :tada:


Right now, thereā€™s still no 21.05 secondary RM. Unless I missed someone, sandro was the only one to concretely volunteer. However, thereā€™s been some concern about length of time in the community and a few instances of miscommunication; with time, I think he would make a good RM.

But with the 2 NixOS RFCā€™s. One delaying the date to make Desktop Managers more managable, and the other doing stabilizaition on master, I think the release workload will be a lot less going into ZHF. Making it a lot easier on the Release Manager, and the release schedule more likely to succeed.

Maybe for the 21.11 release, I can mentor 2 people, and we can have more of a ā€œbackupā€ RM in case someone has some real life issues or other obligations come up, then thereā€™s more resilience in the release process.

EDIT: I forgot to mention the release engineering team. I will be populating 21.05 Blockers Ā· GitHub with work items, and coordinating with the release engineering team to tackle issues as they arise. It would be a lot more sustainable if the RM role was more of a ā€œshepardā€ with context about the issues, rather than also trying to tackle all of the issues.


@jonringer , sign me up for backup

I canā€™t promise that I will have a similar amount of time for NixOS in November especially when things get back to normal.


With the RFCs, Iā€™m hoping that the amount of ā€œwork which must be done by release managerā€ will be pretty minimal. Any additional time that can be spared will just be very helpful.

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A post was split to a new topic: When are dotnet and fsharp updated?

@jonringer Iā€™d be happy to help, could you please add me to the team? I am quite busy at the moment but Iā€™d like to try nonetheless.

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