Academic Reseach Engineer (@Grenoble in France): Functional Package Manager Helping System Experiments on Supercomputers and Testbeds

We are looking for candidates with a Master’s degree, Engineer’s degree or PhD in computer science to join our research team.

We are developing NixOS Compose. Its goal is to reduce the burden of setting up ephemeral distributed systems thanks to Nix/NixOS. We are using it in a national project (and in couple of months in European one). You’ll participate to its development and to help its usage in the different projects.

This job is located at Grenoble in France (also known as French Alps Capital).

For detail and application go to: Development & Research Engineer @ Grenoble: Functional Package Manager Helping System Experiments on Supercomputers


Can foreigners (non-europeans) apply, or is it only for French nationals?