Active Directory, odd prompt, odd arrows behavior and remote home directory not mounted


I have a Synology NAS on which I installed Synology Directory Server Synology Inc.

I’m quite new to NixOS but want to connect it to this AD.
I’m using NixOS in Windows 11 thanks to WSL.

Thanks to I did a nearly good enough configuration for that purpose like so :

{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:

 secrets = import ./secrets.nix;
 imports = [

 wsl.enable = true;
 wsl.defaultUser = "nixos";

 environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [

 # Configuration des sudoers
 security.sudo.extraRules = [
     users = [ "scelles" ];
     commands = [
         command = "ALL";
         options = [ "NOPASSWD" ];

 # Script de montage pour le répertoire home
 environment.etc."" = {
   text = ''
     mount -t cifs "//$/$USERNAME" "/home/$USERNAME" \
       -o "user=$USERNAME,domain=HOME.LOCAL,dir_mode=0700,file_mode=0600,vers=3.0,sec=ntlmssp"
   mode = "0755";

 # Configuration readline pour tous les utilisateurs
 environment.etc."inputrc".text = ''
   # Configuration de base
   set input-meta on
   set output-meta on
   set convert-meta off
   set bell-style none

   # Configuration des touches
   "\e[A": history-search-backward
   "\e[B": history-search-forward
   "\e[C": forward-char
   "\e[D": backward-char
   "\e[1;5C": forward-word
   "\e[1;5D": backward-word
   "\e[H": beginning-of-line
   "\e[F": end-of-line

 # Configuration bash plus complète
 programs.bash = {
   interactiveShellInit = ''
     PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '

     if [ -f /etc/inputrc ]; then
       export INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc
   shellAliases = {
     ls = "ls --color=auto";
     ll = "ls -l";
     la = "ls -la";

 # Création des répertoires nécessaires pour SSSD
 systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [
   "d /var/lib/sss 0755 root root -"
   "d /var/lib/sss/db 0700 sssd sssd -"
   "d /var/lib/sss/pipes 0711 root root -"
   "d /var/lib/sss/pipes/private 0700 root root -"
   "d /var/lib/sss/mc 0700 root root -"
   "d /run/sss/pipes 0755 root root -"

 # Configuration SSSD
 services.sssd = {
   enable = true;
   config = ''
     config_file_version = 2
     domains = home.local
     services = nss, pam

     id_provider = ldap
     auth_provider = ldap
     access_provider = permit
     ldap_uri = ldaps://
     ldap_search_base = DC=home,DC=local
     ldap_default_bind_dn = CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=home,DC=local
     ldap_default_authtok_type = password
     ldap_default_authtok = ${secrets.ldapPassword}
     ldap_tls_reqcert = never
     ldap_referrals = false
     ldap_schema = ad
     ldap_id_mapping = true
     ldap_user_search_base = CN=Users,DC=home,DC=local
     ldap_group_search_base = CN=Users,DC=home,DC=local
     enumerate = true
     case_sensitive = false
     fallback_homedir = /home/%u
     default_shell = ${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash
     override_homedir = /home/%u

 # Configuration PAM simplifiée = {
   login = {
     makeHomeDir = true;
     startSession = true;
   su = {
     makeHomeDir = true;
     startSession = true;

 # Configuration Kerberos
 environment.etc."krb5.conf".text = ''
     default_realm = HOME.LOCAL
     dns_lookup_realm = false
     dns_lookup_kdc = true
     rdns = false
     forwardable = true
     HOME.LOCAL = {
       kdc =
       admin_server =
     .home.local = HOME.LOCAL
     home.local = HOME.LOCAL

 # Configuration du shell par défaut
 users.defaultUserShell = pkgs.bash;

 # Configuration NSS
 system.nssModules = [ pkgs.sssd ];
 system.nssDatabases.passwd = [ "files" "sss" ]; = [ "files" "sss" ];
 system.nssDatabases.shadow = [ "files" "sss" ];

 # Création des répertoires et fichiers de base
 system.activationScripts = {
   createHomeDirectories = {
     text = ''
       mkdir -p /home
       chmod 755 /home
     deps = [];

 i18n.defaultLocale = "fr_FR.UTF-8";
 nixpkgs.config.firefox.enableFrench = true;

 system.stateVersion = "24.05";

What is working?

PS C:\Users\scelles> wsl -d NixOS

[nixos@nixos:/mnt/c/Users/scelles]$ getent passwd scelles

[nixos@nixos:/mnt/c/Users/scelles]$ su - scelles
Mot de passe :


I can query my AD and see that I can have uid/gid for an AD user and an associate shell.

I can log with any AD user.

but I still have several problems with this config that I can’t fix.

  1. Odd prompt:
    My prompt looks like

I don’t understand why these \

I was expecting a prompt like

  1. Tab completion only works with nixos user (not with AD users)

  2. When I’m logged as nixos user I can use keyboard arrows (left right up down) without issues but when I’m logged as an AD user keyboard arrows behave differently. I’m getting thinks like so

\[\][\[\]scelles@nixos:~]$\[\] ^[[D^[[C^[[A^[[B
  1. A last problem is that my home directory (CIFS available at //$/$USERNAME ) is not mount automatically
\[\][\[\]scelles@nixos:~]$\[\] ls ~

is empty while it should show files and directories in my home on my NAS

I aware that’s a lot of problems… and my config is quite long (and some tries to fix these problems should probably be removed).

But some help will be very nice.

Best regards
