Add a package that already has default.nix to home-manager

I need help integrating neuron to my configuration.
This is what I have so far, is home-manager-based but should be not that different to regular nix:

{ config, pkgs, ... }:
with import <nixpkgs> {};
with builtins;
with lib;let
neuron = stdenv.mkDerivation {
   name = "neuron";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
	 owner = "srid";
	 repo = "neuron";
	 rev = "dd900dd249742aabfb1dba89f498b6afdb7f4531";
	 sha256 = "1zcgd46hjjhsj1g2sifx0hp1cvmd3nssn3nvw48vb5k40sfslkdq";
   phases = [ "installPhase" ];
   buildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
   installPhase = ''
	 mkdir -p $out/bin
	 makeWrapper $out/neuron $out/bin/neuron
  home.packages = with pkgs; [

But the makeWrapper approach doesn’t seem fitting as I got:

these derivations will be built:
building ‘/nix/store/flz6zqa1hjpjqmhgiba7z7l6jp0d1ygx-neuron.drv’…

Builder called die: Cannot wrap ‘/nix/store/3ca7lxvvd50sgs4l6743fhx1a0fnyqf4-neuron/neuron’ because it is not an executable file
7 assertExecutable /nix/store/06nq4z17fh43wrbn6hl1yq7bzs99lpr1-hook/nix-support/setup-hook
39 makeWrapper /nix/store/06nq4z17fh43wrbn6hl1yq7bzs99lpr1-hook/nix-support/setup-hook
1326 genericBuild /nix/store/qghrkvk86f9llfkcr1bxsypqbw1a4qmw-stdenv-linux/setup
2 main /nix/store/

Link to an issue with a possible approach: Set up neuron in home-manager possible ? · Issue #21 · srid/neuron · GitHub

Try this. :stuck_out_tongue:

  home.packages = [
    (import (builtins.fetchTarball "") {})