ALVR can't launch SteamVR - steam.desktop is not executable

I’m trying to play SteamVR games on my Oculus Quest 2 using ALVR. I’ve got ALVR and Steam enabled in my configuration.nix:

programs.alvr.enable = true;
programs.alvr.openFirewall = true;

programs.steam.enable = true;

I can launch ALVR fine, and SteamVR launches fine through the Steam launcher. However, ALVR has to launch SteamVR itself in order to function properly. When it tries to do so, I get this error:


steam.desktop isn’t executable, and (unsurprisingly) the KIO client can’t make it executable.

How can I fix this?

It’s not supposed to be an executable either, .desktop files are just text files with metadata.

I’ve not used ALVR before. Do you select the file to execute in a menu somewhere? If so, read that .desktop file and give it the path (and arguments) the .desktop executes instead.