I’m trying to install Android Studio and use its GUI to create virtual devices for the emulator. But when I click “Create Virtual Device” in the Device Manager panel, the “Select Hardware” dialog is completely empty. Am I doing something wrong? Here’s my config:
users.users.${config.my-username}.packages = with pkgs; let
android-composition = androidenv.composeAndroidPackages {
includeEmulator = true;
platformVersions = ["34"];
includeSystemImages = true;
my-android-sdk = android-composition.androidsdk;
my-android-studio = android-studio.withSdk my-android-sdk;
in [
Here’s what I see in the “Select Hardware” dialog:
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: Forgot to mention that Android Studio prints this error when I try to create a virtual device:
2024-12-02 18:07:43,712 [ 16017] SEVERE - #com.android.tools.idea.avdmanager.AvdManagerConnection - No installed SDK found!
Seems like it may be related, but I’m not sure. I see lots of errors and warnings from Android Studio when it appears to be working fine.