In a setting where your CI is pushing to your nix binary cache, have you ever noticed that build artifacts usually have to be pushed a second time? What if it wasn’t necessary? nar-serve is a HTTP service that you can put in front of your cache and serve the content of the NAR files directly.
Use cases
- Avoid publishing build artifacts to both the binary cache and another service.
- Allows to share build results easily.
- Inspect the content of a NAR file.
Demo is a demo deployment that connects to . It’s freely available but I don’t make any guarantees in terms of availability
Append any store path to the hostname to fetch and unpack it on the fly. That’s it.
If that’s something you would be interested in deploying in your company, please contact me.
The source code is all freely available at GitHub - numtide/nar-serve: Unpack and serve NAR file content on the fly and I am available to develop extensions for it.