Hey all! I’m excited to announce the release of rippkgs, a new CLI for searching nixpkgs. Let me know what you think and enjoy!
Super sick, y’all. Kudos!
Congrats on the release!!
(It also seems like there may be a typo in the announcement: “We also incorporated ripples”)
This looks great! Are you planning on open sourcing the command-not-found handler?
Are you planning on open sourcing the command-not-found handler?
not quite yet - right now all of our environment management is in our monorepo. we’re looking to change up how we do environment management though which we agree would be a perfect opportunity to share some more of this tech
Am I missing something, where is the default.nix
so I can install this w/o using flakes?
Is there a prebuilt database available like for nix-index GitHub - nix-community/nix-index-database: Weekly updated nix-index database [maintainer=@Mic92] ?