Anybody wanna adopt #203474?

Hi, I’m wondering if anybody would be willing to adopt PR #203474? In short, it makes the PostgreSQL module’s ensureDatabases and ensureUsers quite a bit more powerful.

I think it is a very nice addition to the module and I’ve been using it successfully for a long time now. But, I just don’t seem to find the time and energy to finish the final few things, such as adding some text to the release notes and put together some test(s).

If you are interested in finishing up this PR then let me know and I would be happy to answer whatever questions you may have.


I have picked this up here: nixos/postgresql: enrich ensure users and databases support by Scrumplex · Pull Request #255961 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

I have already written some tests. It will need a bit more work ofc.


Thanks, that’s awesome! I’m still using this functionality and it has been quite helpful. Hopefully it’ll be useful to others as well.