Anyone has a working jupyterhub + jupyter lab setup?

Need to seek help from the almighty community again. I am currently setting up my python environment with a module like this:

{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:

let cfg =;

    batteryOptions = {
      options = {
        machineLearning = lib.mkEnableOption ''
          Include the machine learning libraries, e.g. pytorch and lightbm.
        # This is set to true.
        jupyterhub = lib.mkEnableOption ''
          Include jupyterhub.

in { = {
    batteries = lib.mkOption {
      description = "Turn on batteries, which represents groups of python packages.";
      type = lib.types.submodule batteryOptions;
  config = {
    environment.systemPackages = [
      (let pythonWithBatteries = pkgs.python3.withPackages (
             pythonPackages: with pythonPackages;
               let the-torchvision = torchvision.override {
                     pytorch = pytorchWithCuda;
               in [ numpy pandas matplotlib jupyterlab jupyterlab plotly dash tqdm ]
                  ++ (lib.optionals cfg.batteries.machineLearning [ lightgbm pytorchWithCuda the-torchvision ])
                  ++ (lib.optionals cfg.batteries.jupyterhub [ jupyterhub ])
       in pythonWithBatteries)

Starting jupyterhub with default jupyterhub config leads to using jupyter notebook. What is the best way to achieve having a jupyterhub instance that runs jupyter lab server?

The only relevant issue I found is JupyterHub doesn't see JupyterLab · Issue #58662 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub. I am wondering how I can override the propagatedBuildInputs? The dumb method I can think of is to copy the whole package definition locally, modify it and import it in my overlay to shadow the original jupyterhub defined in <nixpkgs>. Is there a better way to do so?

Thanks in advance!

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I use the thing you may see below ( it is obtained and combined from posts on this channel).
I left some comments in there if you want to play & try. And sorry for not directly answering your question (I hope this helps).

Random comments:

  • there is examples on how to add your own packages (I just marked the path with dots).
  • (one such example package definition for is even more below)
  • I think I tested with several kernels but not sure (don’t need it, this is older than three days so don’t remember any more).
  • it uses 3.7 because those tensorflow things didn’t yet work on 3.8 (haven’t checked the situation lately)
  • shows how to add extensions
  • shows how to add packages
  • shows how to add other programs / packages
  • the shellHook at the end is really bad but does it’s job
  • unfortunately, I don’t remember, how I was able to try to find out the correct commands
  • so, somebody may answer or tell me, how I did it :slight_smile: I’d prefer someone from the marketing thread: if possible, this is something that I’d like to be easily available information on how to use nix :slight_smile:
  • so, why I said this bad (I mean ugly), you see, the scripts calls jupyterlab build twice
  • the reason is that the first one fails because of missing directories but creates them
  • and then the second run succeeds by being now able to use those directories
  • as a last thing, it starts the jupyter lab
  • you may leave it out, if you want start it manually (just give that command on shell then)

I hope that this helps even though this doesn’t answer your question directly.

# default37.nix
# start with
#   nix-shell default37.nix
# or
#   nix-shell default37.nix -I nixpkgs=/home/isto/nixpkgs-unstable/
  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
  newpkgs = import pkgs.path { overlays = [ (pkgsself: pkgssuper: {
    python37 = let
      packageOverrides = self: super: {
            openpyxl = openpyxl2;
        # numpy = super.numpy_1_10;
    in pkgssuper.python37.override {inherit packageOverrides;};
  } ) ]; };
  # pkgsConfig = { allowUnfree = true; };
  # nixpkgs = import (
  #      fetchTarball
  #    ) { config = pkgsConfig; };
  multitasking = newpkgs.callPackage /...../......./multitasking/default.nix {
    buildPythonPackage = newpkgs.python37Packages.buildPythonPackage;
    fetchPypi = newpkgs.python37Packages.fetchPypi;
  openpyxl2 = pkgs.callPackage /..../...../openpyxl/default.nix {
    buildPythonPackage = pkgs.python37Packages.buildPythonPackage;
    fetchPypi = pkgs.python37Packages.fetchPypi;
    isPy27 = pkgs.python37Packages.isPy27;
    pytest = pkgs.python37Packages.pytest;
    jdcal = pkgs.python37Packages.jdcal;
    et_xmlfile = pkgs.python37Packages.et_xmlfile;
    lxml = pkgs.python37Packages.lxml;
  yfinance = newpkgs.callPackage /..../...../yfinance/default.nix {
    buildPythonPackage = newpkgs.python37Packages.buildPythonPackage;
    fetchPypi = newpkgs.python37Packages.fetchPypi;
    pandas = newpkgs.python37Packages.pandas;
    numpy = newpkgs.python37Packages.numpy;
    requests = newpkgs.python37Packages.requests;
    multitasking = multitasking;
  kernels = [
    # pkgs.python37Packages.ansible-kernel
    # pythonPackages.jupyter-c-kernel
    # pkgs.gophernotes
  additionalExtensions = [
    # "@jupyterlab/toc"
    # "@jupyterlab/fasta-extension"
    # "@jupyterlab/geojson-extension"
    # "@jupyterlab/katex-extension"
    # "@jupyterlab/mathjax3-extension"
    # "@jupyterlab/plotly-extension"
    # "@jupyterlab/vega2-extension"
    # "@jupyterlab/vega3-extension"
    # "@jupyterlab/xkcd-extension"
    # "jupyterlab-drawio"
    # "@jupyterlab/hub-extension"
    #jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
    #jupyter labextension install @bokeh/jupyter_bokeh
    # "jupyterlab_bokeh"
  pythonEnv = newpkgs.python37.withPackages (ps: with ps; [
    ipykernel jupyterlab jupyterlab_server
    python-language-server pyls-isort
    matplotlib numpy pandas scikitlearn # pytorch
    tensorflow tensorflow-tensorboard # tflearn
    bokeh bkcharts networkx statsmodels seaborn
    holoviews hvplot 
    param pyviz-comms # pyviz
    Keras keras-applications keras-preprocessing
    scipy plotly
    # cufflinks
    sphinx nbsphinx nbconvert
    dash dash-html-components dash-core-components dash-renderer dash-table
    jinja2 # jinja2_time j2cli
  # ] ++ [ps.jinja2])
in newpkgs.mkShell rec {
  buildInputs = [
    # newpkgs.tectonic # not good
    # newpkgs.python-language-server
    # newpkgs.pyls-isort
  ] ++ kernels;
  shellHook = ''
    TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d -p /tmp)
    mkdir -p $TEMPDIR
    cp -r ${pkgs.python37Packages.jupyterlab}/share/jupyter/lab/* $TEMPDIR
    chmod -R 755 $TEMPDIR
    echo "$TEMPDIR is the app directory"

    # kernels
    export JUPYTER_PATH="${pkgs.lib.concatMapStringsSep ":" (p: "${p}/share/jupyter/") kernels}"

# labextensions
     (s: "jupyter labextension install --no-build --app-dir=$TEMPDIR ${s}; ")
           (d: pkgs.lib.attrByPath ["passthru" "jupyterlabExtensions"] [] d)
           buildInputs) ++ additionalExtensions))  }
jupyter lab build --app-dir=$TEMPDIR
chmod -R +w $TEMPDIR/staging/
jupyter lab build --app-dir=$TEMPDIR
# start jupyterlab
jupyter lab --app-dir=$TEMPDIR

Here is example of one package package definition not found from the pkgs:

# ...../yfinance/default.nix
{ stdenv, fetchPypi, buildPythonPackage
, pandas 
, numpy 
, requests 
, multitasking 
buildPythonPackage rec {
  pname = "yfinance";
  version = "0.1.54";
  format = "setuptools";

  src = ./.;

  propagatedBuildInputs = [ pandas numpy requests multitasking ];

  meta = with stdenv.lib; {
    description = "Yahoo! Finance market data downloader.";
    homepage =;
    license = licenses.asl20;
    maintainers = with maintainers; [ gspia ];

Hi @gspia, thanks a lot for sharing your configurations. I am going to try it tonight!
Great to learn how you add jupyter lab extensions. Really appreciate it!

How do you describe your experience setting up the Jupiter and continuously using it?

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Depending on what you use it for. Currently I am only running it with pytorch without many extensions. It has been stable and hassle-free.