Appending text to home-manager generated files

I have used home-manager yazi configuration. You can find my nix-config here. In short this is how I theme my yazi:

programs.yazi.theme = {
   flavor = {
          dark = "catppuccin-theme";
          light = "catppuccin-theme";

This creates theme.toml file in ~/.config/yazi/ like this:

dark = "catppuccin-mocha"
light = "catppuccin-mocha"

I want to add the text (toml code) from lpnh/icons-brew.yazi to the already created theme.toml file. Can it be done without tampering with the original module?

Thank you for help.

Looks like .theme just accepts a nix attrset (doc). So you can just add arbitrary things to it like you did with flavor.