Automated clock correction

Is a default NixOS installation set up to automatically correct the computer’s clock using NTP? I can’t find anything related to NTP in the process list, but the clock seems to be set correctly. My concrete NixOS installation was produced with the graphical installer, choosing Xfce as the desktop environment.

I think this one is related:

$ systemctl status systemd-timesyncd.service
● systemd-timesyncd.service - Network Time Synchronization

Whew, everything is stuffed into systemd these days. I’ll check about my installation tomorrow, when I’ll have the corresponding computer up again. Thanks for the info.

Thats the wrong way to look at it…

It is a service that should be properly supervised, and it happens that NixOS is using systemd. I would expect the ntp client to be run as a system service under any other init system as well, be it sysvinit, openrc, runit, upstart, or as here systemd.

For me its just natural to search for anything not started manually, in the services of the init system.

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Yes, systemd-timesyncd is running and obviously doing its job. All good. :slightly_smiling_face: