Bad hash when overriding haskellPackages.insert-ordered-containers


I’m trying to get around haskel: error build package insert-ordered-containers and uri-bytestring · Issue #53067 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub by overriding haskellPackages.insert-ordered-containers. I’ve put the following into my configuration.nix:

  nixpkgs.overlays = [ (self: super: {
    haskell = super.haskell // {
      packageOverrides = hself: hsuper: rec {  

        insert-ordered-containers = hsuper.callCabal2nix "insert-ordered-containers" (super.fetchFromGitHub {
          owner  = "phadej";
          repo   = "insert-ordered-containers";
          rev    = "73fdf9c7a41ea7a02ee336cb01cb54f0ebc248f8";
          sha256 = "0gpmp25hb1y31n9av91zf16pcyqb0zm9pavj51wdnx6kq67940pr";
        }) {};

nixos-rebuild switch wants to build:


but fails with:

fixed-output derivation produced path '/nix/store/dw6663nbcb3l48r28sv0xq3j96k7f9sf-insert-ordered-containers-' with sha256 hash '02d4zqyb9dbahkpcbpgxylrc5xxc0zbw1awj5w0jyrql2g2b6a5f' instead of the expected hash '0gm5a8m8b08v53hhiphs3ny3n4k9ldza6vx0qzl3sl2iz7ypcl5r'

How can I specify the correct hash for building -insert-ordered-containers- Note that hash 0gpmp25hb1y31n9av91zf16pcyqb0zm9pavj51wdnx6kq67940pr seems to be correct for building ...-insert-ordered-containers-
