Bazel enableNixHacks

I am trying to package verible, and I was able to (link), but I don’t think I have the correct way to do this.


I have been unable to get verible to build the same way as every other Bazel package.

By default buildBazelPackage has enableNixHacks = true; which adds this patch. The purpose of that patch is not clear to me (edit: I see now that is is for determinism when fetching assets).

If I disable the patch by putting bazel in my native build inputs verible will build successfully.

nativeBuildInputs = [ bazel gcc jdk python3 ];

With the nix hacks (removing bazel from nativeBuildInputs) I get this failure:

Extracting Bazel installation...
Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it...
Loading: 0 packages loaded
ERROR: no such package '@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo': to fix, run
        bazel fetch //...
External repository @bazel_tools not found and fetching repositories is disabled.
Loading: 0 packages loaded
INFO: Elapsed time: 2.387s
Loading: 0 packages loaded
INFO: 0 processes.
Loading: 0 packages loaded
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (0 packages loaded)
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (0 packages loaded)

What is the purpose of this patch and why does enabling it cause a resolution error for the bazel_tools external repository?

Following the Errors

For reference, if I follow the error message and enable fetching by removing "--nofetch" in bazelBuildFlags = ["-c opt" "--nofetch"]; then Bazel tries to access the network within the sandbox which results in a different mode of failure:

Extracting Bazel installation...
Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it...
Loading: 0 packages loaded
Loading: 0 packages loaded
Loading: 30 packages loaded
Analyzing: 1839 targets (30 packages loaded, 0 targets configured)
Analyzing: 1839 targets (58 packages loaded, 536 targets configured)
    Fetching @win_flex_bison; fetching
INFO: Repository win_flex_bison instantiated at:
  /build/source/WORKSPACE:75:19: in <toplevel>
  /build/source/bazel/win_flex_bison.bzl:110:26: in win_flex_configure
Repository rule remote_win_flex_bison defined at:
  /build/source/bazel/win_flex_bison.bzl:100:40: in <toplevel>
Analyzing: 1839 targets (58 packages loaded, 536 targets configured)
    Fetching @win_flex_bison; fetching
WARNING: Download from failed: class Unknown host:
Analyzing: 1839 targets (58 packages loaded, 536 targets configured)
ERROR: An error occurred during the fetch of repository 'win_flex_bison':
   Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/build/source/bazel/win_flex_bison.bzl", line 90, column 40, in _remote_win_flex_bison
Error in download_and_extract: Error downloading [] to /build/output/external/win_flex_bison/temp10671553611633039580/ Unknown host:
Analyzing: 1839 targets (58 packages loaded, 536 targets configured)
ERROR: Analysis of target '//verilog/tools/syntax/export_json_examples:print_tree' failed; build aborted: Error downloading [] to /build/output/external/win_flex_bison/temp10671553611633039580/ Unknown host:
Analyzing: 1839 targets (58 packages loaded, 536 targets configured)
INFO: Elapsed time: 3.230s
Analyzing: 1839 targets (58 packages loaded, 536 targets configured)
INFO: 0 processes.
Analyzing: 1839 targets (58 packages loaded, 536 targets configured)
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (58 packages loaded, 536 targets c\
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (58 packages loaded, 536 targets c\

I think I figured this one out.

During the fetch some assets will fail on the HTTP GET:

WARNING: Download from failed: class GET returned 404 Not Found

Which causes Bazel to attempt a fetch again during the sandboxed build. I added --nofetch to prevent this, but enabling that flag also means dependencies which can be generated locally (I think?) will not be fetched.

Edit: Nevermind, that 404 error is for a mirror, it does successfully fetch from github, so I am not sure why Bazel is trying to fetch it again during the build phase.