Beginner support

So today i installed NixOS after seeing all its hype. I have the Gnome version. I have nvidia optimus(nvidia+intel) graphics card.

I want to know the first things i need to do after installing NixOS, and any help regarding nvidia setup will also be appreciated. Thanks in advance

Please use the search function on this forum and search for “beginner” or “get started”.

You can also find a lot of useful pointers from this post: Revamped Learning section of Awesome Nix

Thanks a lot, mate. Will check it out

I would suggest getting familiar with functional programming languages first. (e.g Haskell) , bearing in mind that Nix is described as ‘Json with functions’.

I recommend these sites.

Personally I have not found found any videos particularly helpful for getting up and running

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Sure thing mate… Will look into them. Thank you

The nvidia topic is quite well covered on the topic, even for optimus setup.

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oh ok. Will check it out. Thank you