Best practice for handling a breaking update to a derivation

How does one handle a breaking update to a derivation in NixOS? OneDrive 2.4.0 Important note regarding release v2.4.x · Issue #835 · abraunegg/onedrive · GitHub will no longer run without manual intervention. If people have services, like I do, they may not get to know it until later. How to upgrade such a package in nixpkgs GitHub repository?

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just upgrade it :slight_smile:

for stable users add release notes

for unstable and master users we have nothing to help. If they notice that service is broken after upgrade, then they’ll go and lookup “why”. Unstable users are alpha-testers, anyway.

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Alright, I see you “everywhere” often so I’m going to take your word as the last word … :).

Thank you for responding.

PR here- onedrive: 2.3.13 -> 2.4.0 by SRGOM · Pull Request #83280 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub