BI Weekly Nix/NixOS Meetup Wed May 29 at 7pm @ Noisebridge

more info here → Nix/NixOS Meetup · Luma

Last meetup we talked about:

The Address: 272 Capp St, San Francisco, CA 94110

If you have talks or presentation ideas for the meetup hit me up! We would love to hear them!

Join us on matrix if you have any questions! (non nixos matrix room until I can get one on official channels)

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Hey there!

I regret to inform you all that I am stranded at DFW airport and unable to host the meeting in person at noisebridge tonight.

As an alternative I will be hosting a digital meetup on if you’d like to attend.

I would like to extend my deepest apologies for not being able to attend in person but i hope to see yall in the digital space!

Hey all!

Despite my spatial hangups the bi weekly NixOS meetup took place digitally this week! I wish I could have been there in person but was happy to have been able to link up with y’all online.

Some of the topics discussed yesterday include:

Thanks to those who showed up online and if you are in the bay area don’t miss Flox, Nix & Friends this Friday!

Stay tuned for the next meetup info which will be on June 12th. Hopefully I wont still be stranded at the airport for this one :face_with_spiral_eyes: