Boot screen with generations so small; how to make larger?

The boot screen that shows the generations (NixOS 24.11) on my Framework 13 is so small; I can hardly read it.

Is there a parameter I can set to scale it ?

Everything else has been great otherwise and I’m very happy with the 24.11 upgrade.
It’s fixed a lot of things I had self-fixes for like PAM/fingerprintd integration :slight_smile:

Good to know; is there a way to change default text size.
Hmm I think the default is grub though?

Not if you use EFI. And if you don’t, systemd-boot isn’t available anyway.
Either way, step one is checking your config for which bootloader you use.

With systemd-boot, changes to the resolution are persisted.

Okay I had to do

      systemd-boot.consoleMode = "2";

(tried all the options and this one decreased the resolution enough to see the text properly although now it doesn’t fit on the screen)