[BUG] Mount swap fails in 23.11 and 24.05 plasma iso

As stated in the title, there is a bug that was present when I installed NixOS in my laptop with 23.11 and it is still there in 24.05, when I use the gui installer and select erase disk and to install with swap the installer fails because it can’t mount the swap partition, there is a bug, probably in the mount location of the swap partition, it has two “/” instead of just one, it says failed while activating:/dev/mapper//dev/nvme0n1p3, if I try installing without swap it works, this only happens in the Plasma iso, not in the gnome iso, and I only can confirm it happens in the AMD64 version, I don’t have an arm laptop or single board computer to test it.

If this is not the correct place to post this please let me know

EDIT: I just tested with the gnome version of 24.05 and I got the same mistake, I also corrected the minor versions that I got mixed

Probably that?

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I solved it for me, the fail lets the swap mounted, then I open the installer again, without reboot, select custom partition, select the boot and select the mountpoint in /boot and the main one in /, both with format just in case, then it works (it gets stuck at 46%, probably my internet because it is installing programs), but that is not the point, the point is that a normal user shouldn’t encounter those bugs, there shouldn’t be a need for a workaround, although the bug might be calamares and not nix this is the only time I have seen this error consistently in 2 devices, and in 23.05 I was able to install from the gnome iso.

Important to add because of the git pull request that you mentioned, I didn’t mount the swap manually.

Edit: I might have forget to mention, I wanted to know where to report it, the git you showed says it is solved in the git, so I will add that it shouldn’t take 2 months to fix the iso when the solution is already in the git.

Possibly you want to address those topics in their GitHub repo (that I linked).
The calamares installer is a project of few people and it seemed to to be picked up widely because of various reasons.

See Unit tests in calamares-nixos-extensions - #2 by Shawn8901 for at least my arguments to that. As no one other seemed to have agreed or disagreed on that, it just seems that they don’t care enough (which is also reflected in the bad state of the module).
On my option it was a big mistake to add that on the official images at all.

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