[bug] rst2html5 download fails

TL; DR - this

A bit of background: The old Bitbucket source code hosting of rst2html5 is gone, but there is a Wheel for it anyways: rst2html5 · PyPI

I have changed the expression in order to use this wheel, and at the time I have tested the expression it worked as expected, but now it just fails by trying to download an inexistent tgz link.

How can I fix it?

The source code is located, obviously, in pkgs/tools/text/rst2html5/default.nix

On master you’ve patched this a week ago, so there it is already using a wheel. For other branches it would have to be backported.

The original source may also be in Software Heritage

I think it would also be good to inquire with PyPA/Warehouse what happened to that archive. Pulling artifacts is not a great thing to do.

@FRidh I didn’t understand this.
In an older nixpkgs release it would try to get the older 1.9.4 version, while in master it would download the wheel file.
But now it is not trying to download the .whl file from the link, but an inexistent .tar.gz to the new 1.10.6 version.