buildGoModule keeps rebuilding deps

I’m trying to use buildGoModule to build a nix derivation for deployment of a local Go package (web service). Just running go build takes ~2 seconds to build everything. Running nix-build api.nix takes about 1 minute (only buildPhase, not counting checkPhase and onwards).

The local deps are pretty thin, here’s go.mod:


go 1.15

require ( v1.5.2 v1.1.2 v1.14.6 v72.32.0

The problem is likely sqlite3 being a cgo package, for some reason not being cached and constantly recompiled.

Here are some pointers:

  • for every rebuild (even though I don’t touch any code), a new derivation path is being built by nix. This is probably a symptom of a root cause, that finally causes everything to be recompiled from scratch
  • Using both buildGoModule and basic mkDerivation aproach has the same behavior. Pasting both files below.
  • The majority of the time is wasted with clang (likely compiling sqlite3), but I don’t have great ideas how to determine which exact step is being wasteful.
  • vendorSha256 is provided correctly, which confuses me a bit - thought this would make caching work ok

Here’s a buildGoModule version

with import<nixpkgs>{};
  api = (buildGoModule {
      name = "api";
      src = ./.;
      vendorSha256 = "1728j55s0x92jyfx8a5dh5a371x33dj7zipz3p5nxm7jn3qvhswh";
      checkPhase = ''
        echo "not important for the demo"
stdenv.mkDerivation {
  name = "api";
  # subPackages = [ "." ];  # doesn't make a difference
  src = ./.;
  buildInputs = [ api ];
  installPhase = ''
    mkdir -p $out/bin
    cp ${api}/bin/api $out/bin/api

Here’s a basic mkDerivation version

with import<nixpkgs>{};
stdenv.mkDerivation {
  name = "api";
  src = ./.;
  excludes = [ ./ops ];
  buildInputs = [ go age ];

  configurePhase = ''
    export GOPATH=$TMPDIR/go
    export GOCACHE=$TMPDIR/share/go
    export GOSUMDB=off
    export GOPROXY=off

  buildPhase = ''
    go build

  checkPhase = ''
    echo "testing..."

  installPhase = ''
    mkdir -p $out/bin
    mv api $out/bin/api
    echo "DONE"

This causes ./result to be included in every build after the other, therefore nix always things that stuff has changed.

Please use lib.cleanSource and friends to clean up the imported stuff.

You should probably try to use buildGoModule with cleaned sources without the wrapper to make builds quicker.

Thanks @NobbZ, definitely going to try that now.
Any chance you have an example link or mind posting a scratch if it’s a one-two liner?

You should probably try to use buildGoModule with cleaned sources without the wrapper to make builds quicker.

As for this one, as far as I understand this is to remove let api = buildGoModule ... in mkDerivation and just use buildGoModule on a top level? In real life, I’m using this derivation to also decrypt secrets and run a stripe-mock server, then run a full suite of unit & integration tests in the checkPhase. Think i have no other choice, but maybe I’m getting this all wrong

Hm… just spent an hour trying to debug further and try a couple of suggested items.
lib.cleanSource stripped a lot of unnecessary stuff, but still didn’t address the issue.

This means, that every time any file (including .nix files) is changed, buildGoModule recompiles everything again. I’ve removed the mkDerivation as well and just went with straight buildGoModule as suggested. Still no cigar.

with import<nixpkgs>{};

  stripe = import ./test/stripe-mock.nix;

buildGoModule {
  name = "api";
  # src = lib.cleanSource (lib.sourceFilesBySuffices ./. [ ".go" ".mod" ".sum" ]);  # this is more strict but doesn't load fixtures etc.
  src = lib.cleanSource ./.;

  vendorSha256 = "1728j55s0x92jyfx8a5dh5a371x33dj7zipz3p5nxm7jn3qvhswh";

  checkPhase = ''
    ${stripe}/bin/stripe-mock &
    # ... run tests, kill stripe-mock ...
    echo "DONE"
    exit 0

  installPhase = ''
    mkdir -p $out/bin
    cp bin/api $out/bin/api

EDIT: It makes sense that the derivation needs to be rebuilt after touching nix files, but I’d expect (1) a different nix store path / new derivation, and (2) a no-op for everything else - there should be no clang or go building going on.

This is as expected. The nix files are part of your source, and if anything in your source changes, everything depending on that source needs to get recompiled.

Due to how golang builds, you can’t even split dependency and code building into separate derivations like rust does. You simply have to live with the full rebuild each time.

They should not, they’re not necessarily during compilation. The only reason why changing nix source should trigger a recompilation is if derivations in the graph have actually changed, that is, the evaluated expressions, not necessarily the source itself.

I believe it’s much easier to use whatever language toolset during development, nix cannot easily benefit from incremental compilation. I only run a nix build before committing for good measure to make sure everything still works

Nix files are not cleaned away through cleanSource IIRC, so they are part of the src. So changing them will change the input of the expression.

Yep thanks, that’s what I’m doing right now. Keeping everything vanilla and building/testing with the go tool. But still for deployment, something that takes 2 seconds taking 1 minute is just in the way.

Just for posterity - here’s what cleanSource does:

Cleans out VCS dirs (.git, .hg, …), build artifacts (.o, .so), swap files and anything ending with ~, symlinks, type = directory, and result.

This effectively means yes - .nix files are a part of src. And they should be since they define how stuff is built. What shouldn’t be happening is once build flags are computed and deps fetched, deps themselves shouldn’t be rebuilt over and over again. Probably the product itself (non-nix) shouldn’t either.

buildGoModule does not build go dependencies, it just downloads them and makes them available in source for the build of the actual program.

This is partially related to how go works. Sadly there is no way to tell go “build the library to link it later”.

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Sorry to revive the topic but let’s hope this helps some poor soul…

There is a solution building sqlite as a static library (libsqlite.a) and passing the tag “libsqlite3” to Go so the library mattn/go-sqlite3 links against it. I’m vendoring Go dependencies (go mod vendor)

(This is the fragment of a flake I’m using)

packages.x86_64-linux = {
  default = pkgs.buildGoModule {
    pname = serviceName;
    version = "1.0.0";
    modRoot = ./src;
    src = ./src;
    vendorHash = null;

    tags = "libsqlite3";
    CGO_CFLAGS = "-I ${self.packages.x86_64-linux.sqlite-lib}/include ";
    CGO_LDFLAGS = "-L ${self.packages.x86_64-linux.sqlite-lib}/lib";

  sqlite-lib = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
    name = "sqlite-lib";
    src = pkgs.fetchurl {
      url = "";
      hash = "sha256-VZIkPK8oss3vQearWNJdZT38U97e2EUOtmByySnwMMQ=";

    unpackPhase = "${pkgs.unzip}/bin/unzip $src";
    buildPhase = ''
      gcc -c sqlite-amalgamation-3450100/sqlite3.c
      ar rcs libsqlite3.a sqlite3.o
      ranlib libsqlite3.a
      mkdir -p $out/include $out/lib
      cp sqlite-amalgamation-3450100/*.h $out/include
      cp libsqlite3.a $out/lib