buildPythonApplication with pyqt5 fails to apply theme

I am trying to package a python application that uses pyqt5. The application works perfectly, however the dark theme is not applied.

{ lib, pkgs, qt5 }:

  drvname = "test";
  python = pkgs.python310;

  pythonRunPackages = with python.pkgs;[

  pythonDevPackages = pythonRunPackages ++ [];

  venv = python.withPackages (ps: pythonDevPackages);

  package = python.pkgs.buildPythonApplication {
    pname = "${drvname}";
    format = "pyproject";
    version = "latest";
    propagatedBuildInputs = pythonRunPackages ++ (with python.pkgs; [ setuptools ]);
    src = ./.;
    doCheck = true;
    checkPhase = "pytest";

  apps = python.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ package ]);
  inherit apps venv;

  shell = pkgs.mkShell {
    buildInputs = [ pkgs.qtcreator apps ] ++ pythonDevPackages;
    shellHook = ''
      export PYTHONPATH="$(pwd)/code:$PYTHONPATH"

I get the following warnings:

Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.
/nix/store/amlvanjz1nvf4y0cl7df6g2akf2kdfy2-dconf-0.40.0-lib/lib/gio/modules/ undefined symbol: g_assertion_message_cmpint
Failed to load module: /nix/store/amlvanjz1nvf4y0cl7df6g2akf2kdfy2-dconf-0.40.0-lib/lib/gio/modules/
/nix/store/1nyg1fvhpz8bx3vn3r9f18zhra2rpbx9-glibc-2.37-8/lib/ version `GLIBC_2.38’ not found (required by /nix/store/4dj2b4jp43l0bkqspxqwkbcg7plac293-gvfs-1.52.2/lib/gio/modules/
Failed to load module: /nix/store/4dj2b4jp43l0bkqspxqwkbcg7plac293-gvfs-1.52.2/lib/gio/modules/
QApplication: invalid style override ‘Pop-dark’ passed, ignoring it.
Available styles: Windows, Fusion
qt.glx: qglx_findConfig: Failed to finding matching FBConfig for QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlagsQSurfaceFormat::FormatOption(), depthBufferSize -1, redBufferSize 1, greenBufferSize 1, blueBufferSize 1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize -1, samples -1, swapBehavior QSurfaceFormat::SingleBuffer, swapInterval 1, colorSpace QSurfaceFormat::DefaultColorSpace, profile QSurfaceFormat::NoProfile)

I tried all wrapQtAppsHook examples I could find in the manual and in other nixpkgs, however could not get rid of the warning.

Any ideas?