builtins.readFile to read a config file for Waybar?

Is it possible to use builtins.readFile to read a config file for Waybar?
If yes, does anyone have an example of a Waybar config file that is read this way?

When I do this:
programs.waybar.settings = (builtins.readFile ./config.default);

I get the error:
...programs.waybar.settings is not of type (list of (JSON value)) or attrubute set of (JSON value).

The content of config.default is based on the the example config, converted to valid JSON:

    "mainBar": {
        "layer": "top",
        "position": "top",
        "height": 30,
        "output": [
        "modules-left": [
        "modules-center": [
        "modules-right": [
        "sway/workspaces": {
            "disable-scroll": true,
            "all-outputs": true

Doing it like this does not work because builtins.readFile returns a string, and you need to pass programs.waybar.settings an actual attribute set or list of the settings.

You have two options here:

  1. Read the config files as json using programs.waybar.settings = lib.importJSON ./config.default;
  2. Not setting programs.waybar.settings, and setting xdg.configFile."waybar/config".source = ./config.default;
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Thank you!