Call to Action: Interim Volunteers for NixOS Foundation Efforts

Hey Everyone,

As we work towards defining the next steps in our community governance, there’s still plenty to do to keep Nix shining bright. We need to ensure our cache is up, partnerships are growing, our build farm is running smoothly, and much more.

Typically, these responsibilities fall to the board, which is now smaller than it once was. I would love to extend a call to action for those interested in helping out. This will be an interim team working together with the foundation around these areas of work(below).

I’ll also be opening up NixOS Foundation board meetings as part of an office hour every two weeks. Feel free to join! If you have a specific agenda item, please add it ahead of the meeting to this running agenda document.

Our goals over the next few weeks will be drawn directly from the foundation’s charter, focusing on continuity of work streams, maintaining operations, and handling legal, financial, and partnership areas.

Here are some of the short and medium-term priorities:

  • S3 Cache
  • Equinix Metal / Build Resources
  • Supporting NixCon 2024
  • Supporting Summer of Nix
  • Financials and taxes
  • General fundraising
  • Trademark efforts
  • Non-profit/tax-deductible status for donations

This team will be an interim one as we work with the constitutional assembly to define the next steps for community governance, which will also include board rotation and appointment.

If you’re interested in helping out, please feel free to message here or ping me on the NixOS Foundation Matrix room. The minimum commitment is a few hours a week so we can make progress on these critical items in the backlog.

And as always, here for any feedback, topics, questions and anything in between :slight_smile:

Keep on Nixing <3
Ron & The NixOS Foundation


I would like to participate. I have particular interest in:

  • S3 Cache
  • NixCon NA 2025
  • Summer of Nix
  • General fundraising
  • Generally helping to finish/unblock existing and ongoing projects

For folks looking to join the open calls - Community Calendar - #164 by ron