Carbon-lang - an opportunity for the nix codebase?


Too early to tell, given that at this point it is still very much an experiment.

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We’ve already made it to carbon? Did I miss the “why don’t we rewrite nix in (go|rust|haskell|brainfuck) as that will ensure world domination” conversation?


Why carbon though? Any specific reason?

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I think the idea is that you don’t need to rewrite nix - c++ code is intended to be compatible with carbon so you can benefit going forward. I believe I recall a c++ to carbon converter as well…

I don’t think this post was meant seriously though. Every time Google announces a new project you have to wait a number of years to see if it will end up as the next big thing, or far more likely, another project Google abandons. If carbon isn’t abandonware in 10 years maybe we can talk about this :laughing: