Casual Nix meetup in Paris - 27th October 2022

Hi there, one week after the NixCon, we plan to meet up again for the local NixOS Paris meetup: Meetup Paris NixOS 2nd Edition - Mobilizon

Do not hesitate to come see us.

If anyone wants to do a talk, please don’t hesitate to email ! (it can be something you have submitted to NixCon!)


Reminder that the NixOS Paris meetup will happen in 2 days, from 6PM to 9PM, we are open to any kind of format.

It seems like the hackathon was quite successful and we think it would be nice to do more of them, so we would be looking forward to organize a hackathon continuing what happened during NixCon.

We also allow any member of the community to present some of their new works, we already have one, thanks to @GovanifY !

Again, please register on Meetup Paris NixOS 2nd Edition - Mobilizon !


Cancelled, because too few people will show up and it will be easier to do it another time. :slight_smile:

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