For my thesis I must create vulnerable VM, and using NixOS could be very useful to manage the whole infrastructure. However it’s too secure for some stuff.
At the moment I’m trying to setup a wordpress that you could use to get the reverse shell, the problem is that the reverse shell give you only a nologin
user that have only very limited action and does have access to a real shell as a regular user.
Is it possible to change the user running a service ? I’m running wordpress like this :
services.wordpress.sites."localhost" = {
settings = {
see NixOS Search
Thanks ! I don’t see any mention to User
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the [Service]
section of the unit. See systemd.service(5)
for details.
You have to read the systemd manpages to know what’s available.
Oh ok, thank you this helps
Actually this doens’t work
It seems to create a new service and it doesn’t find that wordpress is already a service. I can’t find wordpress in systemctl list. I thus have this error
○ wordpress.service
Loaded: bad-setting (Reason: Unit wordpress.service has a bad unit file setting.)
Active: inactive (dead)
Dec 13 11:40:25 nixos systemd[1]: wordpress.service: Service has no ExecStart=, ExecStop=, or SuccessAction=. Refusing.
Because your systemd service is probably not actually called “wordpress”.
Remember your trying to extend the systemd service, not the services.wordpress
those are two different things.
I don’t know which service you need to extend to achieve what you want but you can use systemctl list-units
to get a list of all running services or try to figure out the name of the service from the modules code: nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/wordpress.nix at a0f3e10d94359665dba45b71b4227b0aeb851f8e · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub
The linked line shows e.g. that the service for PHP would be called something like this: phpfpm-wordpress-some-site.com.service
. From this you can either use that name directly to extend the systemd service or you can try to extract the required part from your wordpress config so that it will continue working when something in the module code changes.
For the beginning hardcoding the service name will work fine.
I see, thank you for your help