Chromium - not in any nix flake but installed on unstable nixpkgs

So I moved my nix flakes to use the unstable. I notice any systems that were moved to it all of a sudden has chromium installed. I have done everything I can to figure out where its coming from and how to remove it. This seems to be a bug for sure but don’t know how to fix it. Stable it never installs. Help would be appreciated.

Share your config, please.
Or you can try to use e.g. nix-tree to search for dependencies and try to see where they are coming from.

Here are my configs… GitHub - PhenixDragyn/NixOS-Configs. Thanks for the help… I find it bizarre that stable doesn’t install it but unstable it does.

nix eval .#nixosConfigurations.nixos-test.options.programs.chromium.enable.definitionsWithLocations
[ { file = "/nix/store/dh5p58x9ax2g9d5wrp29nkfsh34a5y3y-modules/chromium/nixos.nix"; value = true; } ]

$ bat -p /nix/store/dh5p58x9ax2g9d5wrp29nkfsh34a5y3y-modules/chromium/nixos.nix
{ config, lib, ... }:

  options.stylix.targets.chromium.enable =
    config.lib.stylix.mkEnableTarget "Chromium, Google Chrome and Brave" true;

  config.programs.chromium = lib.mkIf (config.stylix.enable && config.stylix.targets.chromium.enable) {
    # This enables policies without installing the browser. Policies take up a
    # negligible amount of space, so it's reasonable to have this always on.
    enable = true;

    extraOpts.BrowserThemeColor = config.lib.stylix.colors.withHashtag.base00;

Seems like it’s coming from stylix, same situation as Chromium suddenly installed on system update · Issue #334008 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

An upstream issue is already filed for this: chromium: `programs.chromium.enable` now installs chromium · Issue #500 · danth/stylix · GitHub

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Oh excellent. Great commands… I will note these. I am still learning to get around Nix tools. Thank you for the help!