Configuring home-manager with flakes: no cli

Hi guys,

I am new to NixOS adn I have a basic question. I configured home–manager as a module with flakes following this guide: Why and How to Add Home Manager to NixOS.

I think I did everything correct but I don’t understand if I am supposed to have access also to “home-manager” cli. At the moment the commadn is not found, any idea why? SHould I do the stand alone installation for it?


The setup that you linked to, home-manager is configured to update and apply when your nixos system does, and no home-manager command is necessary. eg: nixos-rebuild switch --flake

There are several ways to do it. I prefer this way, but others may prefer to manager nixos and home states separately (or those not on nixos but with home-manager)

Thanks for replying. Yes, I now have installed it in my home directory standalone. This made the home-manager command available. I think I prefer to keep the two things serparately given I will be the only one tracking the hoem directory