Container name resolution/dns in podman setup broken

I am using podman containers on nixos to self-host several applications for a few years now with few troubles.
However a few days ago the setup stopped working.
Although containers run and their webui is accessible, they can not access any other container using the container name.
Here is my virtualisation nix config:

virtualisation = {
      oci-containers.containers = transform cfg;
      podman = {
        enable = true;
        dockerCompat = true;
        dockerSocket.enable = true;
        defaultNetwork.settings = { dns_enabled = true; };
        extraPackages = [pkgs.zfs];
        autoPrune.enable = true;

Here is also the start script of one of the containers:

set -e

exec podman  \
  run \
  --rm \
  --name=emqx \
  --log-driver=journald \
  --cidfile=/run/podman-emqx.ctr-id \
  --cgroups=no-conmon \
  --sdnotify=conmon \
  -d \
  --replace \
  -e PGID=1000 \
  -e PUID=1000 \
  -p 1883:1883 \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:rw \
  -v /volumes/IoT/emqx/:/opt/emqx/data \
  -l \
  -l homepage.href=https://emqx.xxxx.xxxx \
  -l homepage.icon=emqx.png \
  -l \
  -l io.containers.autoupdate=registry \
  -l traefik.enable=true \
  -l traefik.http.routers.emqx.rule='Host(`emqx.xxxx.xxxx`)' \
  -l traefik.http.routers.emqx.ruleSyntax=v2 \
  -l traefik.http.routers.emqx.tls=true \
  -l traefik.http.routers.emqx.tls.certresolver=le \
  -l \

And here is podman network inspect:

          "name": "podman",
          "id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
          "driver": "bridge",
          "network_interface": "podman0",
          "created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "subnets": [
                    "subnet": "",
                    "gateway": ""
          "ipv6_enabled": false,
          "internal": false,
          "dns_enabled": true,
          "ipam_options": {
               "driver": "host-local"
          "containers": {
               "6372a60c718dd3cb973a700ad13376c3d0657391592104fafd0f2947ac63ffd8": {
                    "name": "homepage",
                    "interfaces": {
                         "eth0": {
                              "subnets": [
                                        "ipnet": "",
                                        "gateway": ""
                              "mac_address": "0e:cd:9d:73:af:3b"
               "a86b6f8f6ce6de945ca60ad6cc64df065090a9ebed7eb9c187c78ac7e6a468a8": {
                    "name": "nodered",
                    "interfaces": {
                         "eth0": {
                              "subnets": [
                                        "ipnet": "",
                                        "gateway": ""
                              "mac_address": "92:f3:4e:60:d9:79"

At this point all containers begin, but can not reach any other container.
For an examples i have emqx and nodered running, but they no longer see each other.
I have tried various things from other posts, such as disabling firewall for the podman network(podman: container dns not resolving · Issue #226365 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub) but to no avail.

Not sure what else i can try.

One thing that seems off, i got this error when launching a test container:

Error starting server failed to get upstream nameservers, dns forwarding will not work: fe80::1%enp4s0f0: parse address: invalid IP address syntax.

Sure enough my /etc/resolv.conf is this:

# Generated by resolvconf
domain xxxx.xxxx
nameserver fe80::1%enp4s0f0
options edns0

So what i guess, is that something does not like the ipv6 name server.
Not sure how and when it got in there …

Running resolvconf -l gives me this:

# resolv.conf from static

# resolv.conf from enp4s0f0.dhcp
# Generated by dhcpcd from enp4s0f0.dhcp
domain xxxx.xxxx
search xxxx.xxxx

# resolv.conf from enp4s0f0.ra
# Generated by dhcpcd from enp4s0f0.ra
nameserver fe80::1%enp4s0f0

I would expect podman would support ipv6 maybe i am missing some option?

So that was the issue.

Dhcpcd decided to add that ipv6 name server and that broke podman.
(I would expect podman to not have such an issue, ipv6 is hardy new at this point)

Adding the following, disables ipv6 name servers and resolved the issue with my containers.

networking.dhcpcd.IPv6rs = false;

Hope this helps anyone else.