Copenhagen Nix & NixOS user group - kickstart event

We look forward to welcome all Nix and NixOS users in the Copenhagen area!

Finally we can invite you to our first event after a long period of inactivity. There has been much interest in an user group meetup in the Copenhagen area and we are happy to be able to meet this demand.

We meet on Wednesday 23rd August 18.00 PM → 20.00 PM
Prosa (ADA lokale) Vester Farimagsgade 37A, 1606 København

We will start by getting together and collecting ideas for future Nix and NixOS user group events. This is great opportunity to join like minded NixOS users and influence how the next events in this event series will be structured.


  • Attendees present themselves
  • Short presentation of how we use Nix & NixOS at DBC
  • Brainstorm on topics for future events and keynotes speakers
  • Pizza
  • Nix & NixOS hacking session (unstructured)

Link to event on meetup.

Bring yourself and your fellow NixOS’er!


Good meet-up and thanks to the organizers!


Hi everyone, it was a pleasure to meet you and what a great evening!

@eska I don’t remember if you were going to set up a Discord server for us, if we could just have a channel in the unofficial Discord server for NixOS. Anyway I just wanted to know if you were pushing that item or if someone else is? :slight_smile:

Hi All - thanks for a good meetup last week and thanks for attending!

We in the orga-crew have decided to stick with our page on the meetup platform and discourse forum as official channels of communication. However, we in the orga-crew welcome other unofficial channels.

In other words, @eikooc we appriciate your help setting up an unofficial Copenhagen NixOS user group discourse server, and administrating this. Please provide a link and we will link to it from the official Copenhagen NixOS user group meetup platform.

I have reached out to Aurora and asked if they are still interested in helping setting up and administrating an unofficial Copenhagen NixOS user group IRC channel.

In relation to official channels of communication I want to make aware that meetup provides an event chat functionality. Event chats on meetup can be found here

We look forward to seeing you again in November!

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