Copenhagen NixOS User Group - 22nd of November

Soon it will be time for our next meetup in the Copenhagen NixOS user group!

The theme for the November event will be an Introduction for newcomers to Nix and NixOS. We are happy to announce that Peter Hoeg will give an introduction, followed by a hacking session.

We would like to emphasize that experienced Nix users are more than welcome at this event. Experienced Nix users in the room can help provide good answers to good questions. You are much welcome to bring your own project for the hacking session.

We meet on Wednesday 22nd November 18.00 PM → 20.00 PM
Prosa (ADA lokale) Vester Farimagsgade 37A, 1606 København.

Link to the meetup event
Link to our newly created community matrix server

Bring yourself and your fellow Nix(OS) user! - There will be pizza, kindly sponsored by PROSA.

We look forward to seeing you all.