Coreutils build failure aarch64-linux


I’ve recently installed asahi fedora linux on my macbook air, and installed nix, which worked fine, however after adding some packages and updating my flake, a test for coreutils fails, however I don’t know if this is a problem with my asahi setup, or a general problem with coreutils on aarch64, here is the nix log if that is needed: @nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "unpackPhase" }Running phase: unpackPhas -
I guess the important part is this: FAIL: test-fcntl failing and I don’t really know what to do about it

Have you tried this a few times? (Is it a consistent failure or a flaky one?)

If this line is from the test run, I’d look for the core dump:

…/build-aux/test-driver: line 112: 110384 Aborted (core dumped) “$@” >> “$log_file” 2>&1
e[0;31mFAILe[m: test-fcntl

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Yeah I did it a couple of times and it happens all the time

Ehh, I set ulimit -c unlimited buut in my journalctl I still see

Apr 11 18:26:57 discovery systemd-coredump[472574]: Resource limits disable core dumping for process 472572 (conftest).
Apr 11 18:26:57 discovery systemd-coredump[472574]: [🡕] Process 472572 (conftest) of user 1000 terminated abnormally without generating a coredump.


Apr 11 18:27:58 discovery systemd-coredump[574877]: Resource limits disable core dumping for process 574759 (test-fcntl).
Apr 11 18:27:58 discovery systemd-coredump[574877]: [🡕] Process 574759 (test-fcntl) of user 1000 terminated abnormally without generating a coredump.

I guess I’ll get back with it, if I figure out how to disable the resource limits (sorry I’ve never done anything with core dumps)

No idea why these dumps didn’t get created, a simple kill of vim triggered a core dump and I could look at it - but anyways I rm -rf’ed /nix, reinstalled it and did every command the same and now it works and thats it.
Thanks for trying to help though!

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