Custom Iso - Add non-free firmware

Hello, new here.
I haven’t installed yet. Have been reading first. Looking to build a custom ISO to include firmware and drivers for MacBook Pro 15,1. I have the-non free firmware from my Macbook, also have files from T2 Linux.

I’ve read about adding broadcom_sta but I know this doesn’t work for my laptop. I’d like info on how I create the nix packages to include my firmware. Where do I put the files? how to create a nix package?

There is probably some thread here but I haven’t found it. Any help would be very much appreciated.

The NixOS Wiki links here:

It contains instructions for creating a custom ISO, etc. It does look to be a fair tad more steps than a normal NixOS install, just a warning this is definitely not exactly the easiest path for a new user of NixOS. Of course, please don’t let that discourage you!

Thank you… :slight_smile: only way to learn

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