Needs merger: 3+ approvals / approved by package maintainer
The buttons at the top will open and reserve the first PR in the list, hiding it for one hour.
PRs are sorted by ascending last update time (and approval count). Labels are clickable and will apply a filter to only show PRs with that label.
The filter URL parameter is also freely editable and matches against title/description/labels, meaning you can (for example) find Maven-related PRs, even though there is no label for it.
Feel free to try it out and let me know what you think
I will say, the layout doesn’t seem to display very well on mobile. Maybe I’m the weird one for viewing Discourse on my phone sometimes, but thought I should mention it regardless.
Currently it appears to be sorted by approvals as a group, then by date - I’d flip that (since old PRs with a lot of approvals should probably get looked at just as old PRs without approvals?)
EDIT: also it might be nice to show if the PR is draft or not
But that’s just minor things, it’s much nicer than using gh’s webui!
The fourth column is sorted only by date for that reason, yes. For the “needs reviewer” column, I figured it would be more useful to list PRs without reviews/approvals first, since they will need more work. If you want to do only “double check” reviews you can always filter by approvals.
As for the mobile UI, I am aware it is not very good. I never review on my phone, so I didn’t think much about it.