Hi, I installed Davinci Resolve today and after installation it didn’t show up on my “Applications”, later on after reading Davinci Resolve’s .nix
file I found out that icon section is commented out which might be preventing it from showing.
Snippet of the .nix
desktopItems = [
(makeDesktopItem {
name = "davinci-resolve";
desktopName = "Davinci Resolve";
genericName = "Video Editor";
exec = "resolve";
# icon = "DV_Resolve";
comment = "Professional video editing, color, effects and audio post-processing";
categories = [
Can we have the icon because it seems to be required by Pantheon DE in order to show Davinci Resolve in “Applications”
Note: I don’t have any major runtime issues or anything though (Eg. Crashes, GPU undetected, etc.). Its just that I always have to launch it from the terminal.