Deploying a Vault Server Using NixOS

I’ve recently been learning NixOS and am working on setting up a Nomad cluster with it. I want to setup Vault next for secrets management, but I’m having trouble finding resources to do this on NixOS. Has anyone deployed a Vault server using NixOS before who would be able to point me to any guides or git repos with an example?

Thank you!

If you are trying to set up a single-node vault, you can use the nixos test for reference:

If you want the vault webui, you will need to use the vault-bin package by setting

services.vault = {
  package = pkgs.vault-bin;
  extraConfig = ''
    ui = true

Thanks. Turns out I can just use Nomad Variables natively and avoid Vault altogether.

That said, I was able to get vault running to some degree with the config:

{ name, config, pkgs, secretPath, lib, meta, ... }:
with lib;
  bind = meta.ip.mesh."${name}";
  cfg = config.vaultNode;
in {

  options.vaultNode = { enable = mkEnableOption "vaultNode"; };

  config = mkIf cfg.enable {

    services.vault = {
      enable = true;
      # In Memory storage for testing
      storageBackend = "s3";
      storageConfig = ''
        access_key = "REDACTED"
        secret_key = "REDACTED"
        bucket = "vault-storage"

      address = "";
      extraConfig = ''
        api_addr = ""
        cluster_addr = ""
        ui = true
        disable_mlock = true
      package = pkgs.vault-bin;
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