Disko luks `keyFile` option not working?

I’m using disko to setup a machine with a LUKS partition like this:

        luks = {
          size = "100%";
          content = {
            type = "luks";
            name = "CRYPT";
            extraOpenArgs = [ ];
            settings = {
              keyFile = "/tmp/disk.key";
              allowDiscards = true;
            content = {
              type = "zfs";
              pool = "tank";

I’m then using nixos-anywhere to run the installer and copy in the keyFile:

    nix run github:numtide/nixos-anywhere -- \
	--extra-files "$temp" \
        --disk-encryption-keys /tmp/disk.key <(echo -n "password") \
	--flake ".#${MACHINE}" "root@${IP}" \

Nixos-anywhere’s installation succeeds and a secret is added to the LUKS partition but password is not working to decrypt it. Any ideas whats going on?

I think you want to use passwordFile instead of keyFile? keyFile is for files that are used for decryption during boot and if they are not present decryption will fail.

Thank you! That solved the issue.