displayManager not launching herbstluftwm

Hi! Been a NixOS user since 21.11 I believe, but still consider myself new.

I recently just upgraded my system from 23.05 to unstable, and somehow broke my system. I am not able to log into herbstluftwm anymore through a displayManager. startx works however.

I switched display managers from lightdm to sddm, same problem.
I installed a different window manager (Hypr) and both lightdm and sddm are able to load Hypr without problems.

systemctl status display-manager.service didn’t give me much clue either.

● display-manager.service - Display Manager
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service; linked; preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2023-10-24 18:51:59 CDT; 16min ago
    Process: 1452 ExecStartPre=/nix/store/3fb0adsar0ywfncs7rfzh86nf2l6asa7-unit-script-display-manager-pre-start/bin/display-manager-pre-start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 1455 (lightdm)
         IP: 0B in, 0B out
         IO: 103.8M read, 452.0K written
      Tasks: 13 (limit: 19090)
     Memory: 145.9M
        CPU: 1.226s
     CGroup: /system.slice/display-manager.service
             ├─1455 /nix/store/143vkxwcxni8wwli0wwkadr8v2p4qlpb-lightdm-1.32.0/sbin/lightdm
             ├─1756 /nix/store/h0gmbxjjvw85dhzgr1g003d4xpq21kag-xorg-server-21.1.8/bin/X -config /nix/store/v6pwjdr69g8snaazv6vin58b9mzmbj7h-xserver.conf -xkbdir /nix/store/096yg7fc67py86w0bm6g7a32npgyh5ic-xkeyboard-config-2.39/etc/X11/xkb -verbose>
             └─1801 lightdm --session-child 13 20

Oct 24 18:51:59 centaur systemd[1]: Starting Display Manager...
Oct 24 18:51:59 centaur systemd[1]: Started Display Manager.
Oct 24 18:52:00 centaur lightdm[1492]: pam_unix(lightdm-autologin:session): session opened for user terrorgen(uid=1000) by (uid=0)
Oct 24 18:52:00 centaur lightdm[1492]: gkr-pam: gnome-keyring-daemon started properly
Oct 24 18:52:00 centaur lightdm[1492]: pam_unix(lightdm-autologin:session): session closed for user terrorgen
Oct 24 18:52:07 centaur lightdm[1601]: gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file
Oct 24 18:52:07 centaur lightdm[1601]: gkr-pam: stashed password to try later in open session
Oct 24 18:52:07 centaur lightdm[1601]: pam_unix(lightdm:session): session opened for user terrorgen(uid=1000) by (uid=0)
Oct 24 18:52:07 centaur lightdm[1601]: gkr-pam: gnome-keyring-daemon started properly and unlocked keyring
Oct 24 18:52:07 centaur lightdm[1601]: pam_unix(lightdm:session): session closed for user terrorgen

my flake.lock

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        "type": "github"
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I have both services.xserver.windowManager.herbstluftwm.enable = true; outside of Home Manager and xsession.windowManager.herbstluftwm.enable = true; in Home Manager.

Any help would be appreciated!

Hi @terrorgen

I think I had the same or similar problem. After upgrading to 23.11 my none+herbstluftwm session wouldn’t start from lightdm or sddm. I could make it work using startx and a custom .xinitrc file. So my workaround is to add this custom session start script to my nixos config:

displayManager = {
  session = [
    { manage = "desktop";
      name = "herbstluft";
      start = ''
        ${pkgs.herbstluftwm}/bin/herbstluftwm --locked &
  defaultSession = "herbstluft";

Perhaps it helps.

1 Like

@eikek I used your code, and it worked, and I am so so grateful.

I moved everything but defaultSession to services.xsession on 24.05 and that did the trick :pray::pray::pray::heartbeat::partying_face::dancer:t2::nail_care: