Download Manager

anyone can suggest me a download manager? i’m new on nix i usually use freedownloadmanager on fedora but i can’t make it cuz a thing anyone can suggest? i using google chrome as my default browser

Perhaps would be helpful.

already tried uget but kinda struggle with integrator can’t connect, already installed the integrator tho

You can still use freedownloadmanager with the flatpak version if you’re comfortable with that. Else, if you want something that’s already in nixpkgs, you can try Persepolis, which has a chrome extension. Alternatively, there is also the DownThemAll extension, which works exclusively in the browser.

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Personally I’m partial to aria2, browser extensions to control it exist, too.

Oh, huh, sorry @eljamm, didn’t realize persepolis was a front-end for it.


struggle to start aria2 rpc on startup may i see ur config?

I use home-manager and a custom service for it: dotfiles/home-config/config/services/aria.nix at a4ba1914e337f50e70b0a5c81dc6334e1ae16273 · TLATER/dotfiles · GitHub

what the man i still dont know use of home-manager and its broke my upgrade so i decided to remove it, any alternative btw? :slight_smile:

You could use the NixOS version of user systemd services: NixOS Search

That’ll create the service for all (non-system) users, though, so don’t go hard-coding sensitive information. %h is your friend.

Don’t use the NixOS module for aria, it’s designed for servers, not desktop use cases.

If you’re struggling with home-manager but want to configure stuff in your home directory, create a thread for that, it shouldn’t be too hard to use, but the doc is a bit confusing because it tells you how to install it in three different ways simultaneously without making that clear.

home-manager’s use is basically using nix to deploy files to your home directory. NixOS will only allow deploying to general system directories (without ugly hacks), so a lot of stuff can’t be done using just NixOS.